Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Speaka ze Deutche?

When I found out that I would be coming here to the Netherlands, one of the first things I wondered, was..would I be able to communicate with everyone both in public interaction, and in the office while I'm working. I was told by numerous people who had already visited our office here, that I would be just fine, and that everyone for the most part is taught English as a second language when they are in school. So I figured that I could at least get around alright, and that hasn't been a problem at all. Everyone initally greats you in Dutch, but the minute they hear me say "Hello", they immediately switch to English. I must say that everyone here is also extremely nice. Whenever you ask for directions, everyone is always ready to help out.

Anyways, the other thing I wondered was, in my down time when I'm in my hotel am I going to watch TV? When I got back to my hotel room about 5:30 tonight, I found the following on TV...

Yep, that's right, Dr. Phil, telling someone that they need to get real, or something in plain English..and its subtitled in Dutch, so the people here can learn the ways of the Good Doctor.

I decided to keep turning the channel to see what else I could find and I stumbled across this:

Puff Daddy and Ma$e (oh, and Biggie appearing post-humously through archived video), telling everyone about the dillemma that 'Mo Money brings 'Mo Problems. Unfortunately there were no subtitles in Dutch for this.
If they're at least going to show some American stuff on TV over here, couldn't we at least give them some better material?

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